You must have a valid FNMT digital certificate to do this

If you don't have one but your current residence permit has not expired yet, please see Obtaining FNMT Digital Certificate.

The following procedure was last updated on: Sept 9, 2022

The software environment used in this article is:
- Windows 10
- Internet Explorer 11 or Google Chrome v105 (or other Chromium-based browsers, e.g., Microsoft Edge)
- AutoFirma v1.7.2

No other versions of operating systems or browsers have been tested.

About AutoFirma Fails on Chrome v98 and Above

Starting from Chrome v98, calling AutoFirma to sign the documents will fail with the following error message:


Error en el proceso de firma.
Error al obtener certificado: No se pudo contactar con AutoFirma.

Here is the fix:


Right-click the Start button and click "Command Prompt (Admin)",

Run the following command, then restart your computer or browser.

For Chrome:

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome /v InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

For Edge:

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge /v InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to run the following command after the renewal application is submitted to revert this insecure setting:


REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome /v InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed /f


REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge /v InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed /f


Run the following command in the terminal, then restart your computer or browser.

defaults write InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed -bool true

IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to run the following command after the renewal application is submitted to revert this insecure setting:

defaults delete InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed

Pay TASA 790 052 Online

Access the TASA 052 Payment Platform.

Click the button Acceder a Pagar y enviar la liquidación de la tasa 052 a través de Internet., then click OK in the pop-up window,

in the next pop-up window select your FNMT digital certificate and click OK,

select the corresponding province in the map, click OK,

check 1.3 - Prórroga de la autorización de estancia por estudios, movilidad de alumnos, prácticas no laborales o servicios de voluntariado (titular principal y sus familiares).

Select the payment method at the bottom and fill in the relevant information (direct payment by card is recommended),

    > Initiate a direct debit to your IBAN account

    • Código IBAN del cliente
      > IBAN account
    > Pay by credit or debit card

      > Card number
      > Card expiration date (MM/YY)
      > Card issuing bank

click the button REALIZAR PAGO, select your FNMT digital certificate again in the pop-up window and click OK,

confirm all the info and select the card issuing bank again ("ENTIDAD EMISORA DE LA TARJETA"),

click the button Firmar y enviar, check Conforme, then click the button Enviar,

the payment has been successful made when the following page appears:


Click on the grey link Pulse aquí para realizar el Registro Telemático de la liquidación. and fill in the relevant info,


click the button Registrar and click OK in the pop-up window,

finally, click the button Imprimir to download the TASA's proof of payment (in PDF).

Install AutoFirma

Access the AutoFirma Downloads Page, download and run the installer corresponding to the operating system you are using.

Submit Renewal Application

Access the Online Application Platform, click the button Acceder a Solicitudes Telemáticas de Autorizaciones de Extranjería,

Click the button CONTINUAR, then click the button CONTINUAR INDIVIDUAL on the left, select your FNMT digital certificate in the pop-up window and click OK,

Click the button CONTINUAR PRESENTACIÓN on the right, check Presentar renovación/Obtener resguardo renovación, then click the button CONTINUAR,

Fill in the relevant data and click the button ACEPTAR,

  • N.I.E.
    > Full NIE
  • Fecha de caducidad
    > Expiration date of your current residence permit (as "VALIDEZ TARJETA" on your residence permit card)
  • Nacionalidad
    > Nationality
  • Año de nacimiento
    > Year of birth
  • Nº de Expediente
    > Leave it blank

Arriving at the following page, check whether all the information is correct. If so, click the button CONFORME on the right to continue.


Fill-in Application (EX-00)

It's similar to the EX-00 form, note:

On the third page, you can leave the address blank, only fill in your phone number and email address, and check CONSIENTO que las comunicaciones y notificaciones se realicen por medios electrónicos, after that all relevant notifications (missing documents, review failure, etc.) will be sent by email rather than by postal letter.

Click the button CONCLUIR when done.

application-info-1 application-info-2

Submit Documents

Click the button CONFORME under PRESENTACIÓN DE LA SOLICITUD DE FORMA ELECTRÓNICA on the right, check DECLARO... in the pop-up box, and click the button Aceptar to access the documents submission page,

click the button Examinar... to select a file to submit,

select the type of the file in the list Descripcion, if you are not sure, select the last item Otros documentos que desee aportar, then you can write a description for it by yourself.

Update Sept 9, 2022: Here are the five types of documents that are mandatory now:
- Copia completa del pasaporte, título de viaje o cédula de inscripción completos, válido y en vigor
- Documentación acreditativa de disponer de medios económicos
- Documentación acreditativa del seguro de enfermedad
- Tasa (MOD. 790, COD. 052)
- Documentación acreditativa de que continúa realizando la actividad para la que fue autorizado a permanecer en españa

Common documents and their description options (for references only):

Document Description option
Passport (full copy) Copia completa del pasaporte, título de viaje o cédula de inscripción completos, válido y en vigor
Current Residence Permit Card (Otros) TARJETA DE IDENTIDAD DE EXTRANJERO
TASA and proof of payment Tasa (MOD. 790, COD. 052)
Bank account balance certificate and statements Documentación acreditativa de disponer de medios económicos
Medical insurance certificate Documentación acreditativa del seguro de enfermedad
Proof of residence Documentación acreditativa de que continúa realizando la actividad para la que fue autorizado a permanecer en españa
Last stage academic transcript Documentación acreditativa de que continúa realizando la actividad para la que fue autorizado a permanecer en españa
Next stage enrollment and its proof of payment Documentación acreditativa de que continúa realizando la actividad para la que fue autorizado a permanecer en españa

After adding all the required documents, click the button CONTINUAR,

click the button RESCARGAR DOCUMENTO PDF CON LOS DATOS A REGISTRAR, download the application form (PDF), double check that the application information and required documents are all correct,

click the button FIRMAR Y REGISTRAR, click the button Allow in the pop-up window asking to call AutoFirma,

Select your FNMT certificate in the AutoFirma's pop-up window, click the button OK, it will start to digitally sign the documents and the application form,

Click the button DESCARGAR RESGUARDO on the left after it's done, to download the application certificate.

Query Application Status

Access Información sobre el estado del expediente de extranjería, fill in the info to query.

It's usually unavailable in the first few days after the application is submitted. The review is in progress when the status ("Estado de resolución") became EN TRAMITE;


When the status became RESUELTO - FAVORABLE, it's approved and the follow-up works can be started.



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