The software environment used in this article was:
- Windows 10
- Internet Explorer 11

There were compatibility issues with Chrome (v86) during the application process, no other versions of operating systems or browsers have been tested.

Apply for Certificate

Access the FNMT Digital Certificate Application Platform.

Prepare the Environment

Click the following buttons in the left menu: Persona Fisica > Obtener Certificado Software > Configuración Previa,

click the link "Área de Descarga de Configurador FNMT" below to be redirected to the downloads page of the auto-configuration tool,

download and run the tool corresponding to the operating system you are using.

(If the digital signing tool AutoFirma has not been installed yet, a pop-up box will appear, you can just ignore it for now and install it when needed).

Submit Application

Click the button Solicitar Certificado in the left side menu, then fill in the relevant information in the new page,

    > Full DNI/NIF/NIE
    > First last name, as it appears on your ID card
    > Email address
  • Confirme aquí su CORREO ELECTRÓNICO
    > Email address confirmation

click the link "Pulse aquí para consultar y aceptar las condiciones de expedición del certificado" below,

scroll down to the bottom and check Acepto las condiciones de expedición,

click the button Enviar petición,

after that, click Allow in the pop-up window,

finally, set a password in the following pop-up window and click OK.


The application has been submitted successfully when the following page appears:


Meanwhile, you should check your email inbox for a mail containing the application code (CODÍGO DE SOLICITUD):


Prove Identity

Click the button Acreditar Identidad in the left side menu, read paragraph "Documentación necesaria para acreditar identidad" to learn about the required documents for the process.

In some cities or during some special time like the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to request an appointment in advance for going in an office, see below for the procedure

Click the link "LOCALIZADOR DE OFICINAS" at the bottom,

in the left side menu "¿Qué certificado necesitas?" of the map, uncheck all options except Personas Físicas;

you can also type in an address in the "Introduce una dirección" box to find nearest offices.

Request an Appointment to Office

Access the Appointment Management Platform of AEAT.

Fill in the relevant information and click the button Enviar,

  • Introduzca NIF/NIE
    > Complete NIF/NIE
  • Introduzca primer apellido, segundo apellido y nombre
    > First last name, middle name and first name (separated by spaces)

click on service category "Gestión Censal, Cl@vePIN y acreditación certificado digital" below and check service "Personas físicas: Apoderamientos. Acreditación Certificado digital FNMT.NEO.",

scroll down to the bottom, fill in the relevant information and click the button Solicitar Cita.

  • Teléfono
    > Phone number
  • Repetir teléfono
    > Confirm phone number
  • Confirmación de la cita
    > Notification method of appointment confirmation

    • Deseo recibir un SMS en el teléfono anterior
      > By sending a SMS to the phone number above
    • Deseo recibir un correo electrónico
      > By sending an mail to the email address below
  • Correo electrónico
    > Email address
  • Repetir correo electrónico
    > Email address confirmation

Search offices according to the situation (usually there will be more results when searching by province), click the button Enviar.

  • En una oficina de la Agencia Tributaria que preste el servicio a su domicilio fiscal.
    > Search by the address on your ID
  • En una oficina de la Agencia Tributaria que preste el servicio a domicilios de un código postal concreto.
    > Search by the entered zip code
  • En una oficina de la Agencia Tributaria perteneciente a una provincia concreta.
    > Search by the selected province

If there are available offices to request an appointment, a calendar will be displayed, select an available date (like the day 12 here),


select a time, click the button Enviar,


an appointment is successfully made when this page appears (you will also receive a SMS or email about it):


Go to the office with those required documents, tell the officer that you need to

Acreditar identidad para la solicitud del certificado digital.

you'll be required to present the documents and the received email containing the application code.

After successfully proved your identity, you will receive an email telling you that your digital certificate is now available to download:


Download Certificate

Click the link "Descarga de su certificado de Persona Física" in the received email to get to the download page, fill in the relevant information,

    > ID
    > First last name
    > Application code

Click the link "Pulse aquí para consultar y aceptar las condiciones de uso del certificado" below,

scroll down to the bottom and check "Acepto los términos y condiciones de uso",

click the button Descargar Certificado,

click OK in the pop-up window, then click Allow in the next pop-up window,

enter the password you set during application in the next pop-up window and click OK.

For verifying, click the gear-like button in the top right corner of Internet Explorer and open Internet Options > Content > Certificates

The certificate is successfully installed in your browser when it's as follows:


You can also click the button Verificar estado in the left side menu, click the link "SOLICITAR VERIFICACIÓN", then select your certificate in the pop-up window and click "OK" to verify.


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